As 2013 has winded to an end, I have decided to come up with my top 10 film list for the year. This year was truly a great year for film.
1) The Wolf of Wall Street
2) 12 Years A Slave
3) Prisoners
4) Lee Daniels' The Butler
5) Captain Phillips
6) Blue Jasmine
7) American Hustle
8) Don Jon
9) The Great Gatsby
10) Frozen
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) - Review
Some parts of this film had you engaged in the film and some parts had you bored out of your mind. The plot revolving around Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) trying to find a lost picture cell and trying to reach the photographer, Sean O'Donnell (Sean Penn) about is semi-enjoyable and original. I think this movie stretched many of its scenes out and some parts it was unclear if Walter Mitty was daydreaming away or in a current state of mind. Nothing about the film really added up together until the end and I think if this movie was an hour and half, it may have been more pleasurable to watch. I also thought the film steered in many directions that also made the film not as enjoyable to watch as well. I did like Stiller's acting and I think he had potential to do better adventurous comedy films down the road and I think this is only a beginning phase for him. This movie is partially recommendable and is one to just watch if there is nothing to do on a Sunday evening.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Dallas Buyers Club - Review
Where do I begin here? This is a remarkable tale starring Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, and Jennifer Garner is highly enjoyable to watch and it will not disappoint. The acting on all cylinders is brilliant as Leto will be nominated for an Oscar without question. It is one of the best performances that I have seen all year and he presents a wonderful job. The story is a interesting one as it is based on a true story of a man named Ron Woodruff (McConaughey) who goes around the world trying to find medication for AIDS for himself and other part of his group called the Dallas Buyers Club. Some parts did seem like they lasted for a while and the movie had trouble progressing at times though. However, some things in the film I didn't feel were explained enough or demonstrated thoroughly as well which the film could have improved on as well. In the scheme of things, I really did like this story and how it was played out along with the acting. I think this one will definitely be nominated for Best Picture, but I don't think it is a lock to win though, but Jared Leto may very well be looking at a winning this year.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
Thursday, December 26, 2013
The Book Thief - Review
It takes a while to understand what this movie is really about until almost halfway into the movie, but that is okay. The time setting of World War II tells a great tale of a young girl who overcomes a struggle of not being able to read and winds up linking with the right people to do just that. The people she meets has a great influence on her as the story really unveils itself very well. The acting and story are truly remarkable, but are very sad at the same token. I think that the movie serves a purpose to describe what could have happened at this cold period of time and it really conveyed its message well. I found the movie to be very uplifting, but I thought that some parts were stretched out way to much as the film could have been shortened a bit. Overall, it is a film that will attract to many and I don't think many will walk away disappointed.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
Justin Bieber's Believe - Review
This is one of the few concert documentaries featured by a pop star entertainer that I walked away very pleased by. The story revolves around the preparation for Justin Bieber's recent album, "Believe," his recent concert tour, and the adversity that he is facing during his career. These three fundamentals were key to making this film a pleasure to watch. The movie demonstrates lots of the hardships and many works that has to go into making an album and concert tour which is great to see. It is also unique to see how much of the movie they devoted to this, rather then just diving into the success of both like many other of these films tend to do. I also enjoyed hearing the positive advice from Bieber regarding the many hardships he has faced and how he conveys a message to overcome them and block them out of his rear view. I enjoyed how he represented his view on trying to avoid obnoxious paparazzi members by not responding to their tactics. However, I feel the film failed to prove this view by showing him fighting them off in a opening movie stunt video to one of his songs. I think this should have been left out of the film to convey this. The songs used in the movie were very upbeat and drew you into the movie which I really liked. I also liked how they tried to show how Justin Bieber draws to many different people of all ages and genders. Considering Bieber has been seen to attract to many females, it is shown that it is not just that and many males enjoy listening to the entertainer as well. I think Jon Chu, the director of the film, successfully made a great film with Justin Bieber and has made on of the best pop star documentary films that has been seen in a while.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
The Wolf of Wall Street - Review
The duo of Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio both successfully have created yet another fantastic film in "The Wolf of Wall Street." The capped three hour film revolves around the illegal financial stockbroking company ran by Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) and a few of his friends. The movie keeps your interest through its length as the stellar acting and unusual plot really does draw you in. You keep pondering to yourself that this is a true story and in a way it reminded me of the recent film, "Pain and Gain." However, this film knocks that one out of the park by far. There are some things that occur in the film that you ask yourself how this or that happened, but as those questions are in midair, the following scene takes the question out of the way. There are many questions that you will ask about the story and how it was fulfilled, but I guess that is why Google is at our disposal. Also, I wish that before or after the film, it gave a little more insight on information about the main characters and what happened or happens to them in real life considering it is based on a true story. In my opinion, I think Scorsese wished to leave those questions for the audience to find out. I think this would have completed the film to its' entirety though. Aside from this, the movie is a must see and will be a great contender in the Academy season that is upon us. This film is one of the best films of the year and I highly recommend it, but just use the bathroom before going.
Rating - 4.5/5
Rating - 4.5/5
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Saving Mr. Banks - Review
I had been anticipating on seeing this film for awhile and I was sadly let down by this movie. The film goes around the stages of how the 1964 film, "Mary Poppins" was created and the story and the way it is presented does not draw you in. The movie is constantly reflecting on the main characters, PL Travers (Emma Thompson) life as childhood and how she used her childhood to create the novel, "Mary Poppins." Then, when they show the modern time of the early 1960's of the film of the production, they fail to show many things that have to be done to create an actual film. It felt as if you were watching a movie with songs that were being potentially used for the movie that had poor vocalists. Also, Tom Hanks' acting playing Walt Disney didn't appear real as it appeared that he was himself just disguised as a younger version of Walt Disney. Also, I didn't like how Walt Disney was supposed to be appear much older at this time of his life and he appeared as if he were 20 years younger. However, Emma Thompson's performance was outstanding and her acting does steal the show. Her performance will most definitely be nominated for some awards with the season upon us.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
American Hustle - Review
With the Oscar season rolling around, "American Hustle," has been the film many have been raving about and they rightly should be. The story has a great screenplay that keeps your eyes on the screen the entire film and the plot is quite remarkable to go along with. The story is backed by the great acting by all 5 main stars in the film which some could land Oscar nominees for the breakthrough performances. The film has many twists and turns which keeps it entertaining as there are many few flaws with this film. The acting and plot were all great on all cylinders and this is one go see film. The film's length is choppy and long, but it does keep your attention span.
Rating - 4/5
Rating - 4/5
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues - Review
Almost 10 years later and a sequel to the hysterical and interesting "Anchorman" film is released. With this film, there are many inconsistencies with the story which I did not like at all. The film kept bouncing off the wall and was not enjoyable at times. Also, the humor used in the movie appeared to be very dull and idiotic which I did not enjoy either. In this film, Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) and Brick's (Steve Carell) characters both didn't phase me and I think their characteristics and lines were very obnoxiously annoying to watch on the screen. Though Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and Champ Kind's (David Koechner) characters were pleasurable to watch as they both played their roles smoothly and didn't overdo their performances. I think that is where the other two characters went wrong in this movie. Sadly, a sequel usually can never surpass the enjoyment of an original film in a series, as my expectations for this film were shot down.
Rating - 2/5
Rating - 2/5
Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas - Review
I truly always enjoy watching any Madea movie because they all crack me up hysterically and have a good story that goes along with it. This film fails to have a good story as it took many directions the entire film. It does teach a good lesson if we were living maybe 40-50 years ago, but times have changed. The character's were all comical, but you got tired of them easily as their humor dried off quickly. Madea is the only character who can entertain you in this film and when Madea is off the screen, you get bored easily. If Madea weren't in this movie, I think I would have ran out of the theater in less than a half hour, thank God for her. I don't know if this movie is recommendable, but if your in a need to see a Madea film, maybe watch "Madea's Family Reunion."
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Review
The Hobbit trilogy continues on successfully for the most part with the second installment. This film had a great amount of action sequences and interesting characters to thoroughly watch with their different actions. These features are what allowed me to enjoy the film. However, as Peter Jackson has a tendency to do, many scenes took up longer time then they actually needed, in which got a little tiring at times. Then, the film has parts where you may get disappointed with as well. I will not go any further with that because I do not want you to ruin the movie for you. Over all, it is a great film and the Lord of the Rings' movies are always unique to watch and usually draw your interest. This film successfully does and I think many will walk away with a more positive reaction to it. Use the bathroom before hand, it's another lengthy film.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Thursday, December 12, 2013
12 Years A Slave - Review
Based off the novel written by Solomon Northup in 1853 about being kidnapped and serving as a slave even though, he was a free man. The story is so unbelievable and was so sad to watch, but held my interest the entire movie. I couldn't believe how this actually happened as it's screenplay was put into a remarkable film. The acting on all ends including the slaves and the owners were truly outstanding and some of the actors may well be nominated for some Academy Awards. The film was very good, but there are many questions you ask yourself the entire film as you're trying to figure out how some things are all falling into place. Aside from that, you are able to follow the movie very well as it is timed very well. The movie is a little over two hours, but the time feels like it flies by. This was one of the best movies I have seen this year and I recommend that everyone watches this film because you will not be disappointed. The cinematography was also very impressive as well as this film is close to flawless. Go see this film before it starts raking in awards like crazy at the Golden Globes and Oscars.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Frozen - Review
Frozen was one of the most shocking, yet impressive animated films that has been released this year. The story was very pleasurable to follow along with and had your attention span the entire film. The character's motives and personalities were enjoyable as well, but one of the character's winds up being a plot twist in the film, in which was interesting to see. I also really enjoyed the visual effects of this movie and it is no brainer that this film would be nominated for Best Animated Picture for the Oscar's. The music in this movie sang by all the characters was brilliant as well. I really do want to go out and get the soundtrack for this film as the music made the movie even more enjoyable. This was a great all-around animated film and it is a must-see for anyone, especially the families to go out and watch. I don't think anyone will be disappointed.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Review
After catching this fire, I think anyone would be miraculously impressed and wowed by this sequel in the Hunger Games series. Coming off the first film of the series, walking away only halfway satisfied, I was hoping for a better experience with this sequel. Surprisingly, my expectations and hopes were met. I really did enjoy the acting and chemistry amongst Peta (Josh Hutcherson) and Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) as they are both great, young aspiring actors who really did carry this film's entirety. They both just are incredible in this film and will have lots more success in future films down the road. I really did enjoy how the story progressed at a great rate and the film felt as if it flew by in no time even through two and half hours. There were so many plot twists and surprises the entire film which impressed me as well. There were some parts that I didn't understand, maybe because I haven't read the books, where you asked yourself why would this happen or why is this occurring. I hope to read the books as soon as I can to get a better understanding of the story. Also, the visual effects and make-up were absolutely stunning and done to their best which made the movie very entertaining to watch. The only acting I was not completely in favor of was the performances by Donald Sutherland and Philip Seymour-Hoffman as they were supposed to be sinister characters where I just didn't think they acted bad enough for their roles. I thought their performances were not done to the best to show the bad, cold side of them. It felt as if they were just reading their lines, then just acting upon them. They are both great actors, but the role of this film was just not meant for them. The one other part that is minor, but not understanding is Liam Hemsworth's character, Gale, is supposed to be a main character, but only appears for only minutes of the film. I don't understand that, but this is a must-watch film and chime in and catch the fire miraculously.
Rating - 4/5
Delivery Man - Review
And the final delivery is.....not bad to say the least. Though, I really did think this movie steered totally different then what I thought this film was going to produce. The story around a meat delivery man played by Vince Vaughn who plays an anonymous producing father of close to 530 children did an exceptional job with the role. I think Vaughn has a presence during the film of through his seriousness and comedic sides of the film, he does a great job of portraying both in this movie. I couldn't think of a better actor to play this role as Vaughn always impresses me. The story really does feel like it's going nowhere towards the half to the near end of the film, but Vaughn's performance does distract you from this. I think there is definitely originality to the story of this film, but I think many a few changes could have been made to make this film progress better. I do think this is a great film for any individual who is in debt or has problems connecting with others and can possibly be a helpful film to maybe work on overcoming those issues. I didn't walk away completely satisfied with this film, but I did enjoy certain parts of this film, it's not the best nor the greatest films I have seen.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Monday, November 18, 2013
Don Jon - Review
This film has been out for a while now, but I did just land on the chance to go see it and I was quite surprised with the reaction I had. This was a film that I thought was very original with its writing and story line and I think director, not to mention the main star, Joseph Gordon-Levitt did an excellent job with this movie. The story was also so unique and interesting to follow along with the entire movie. I really did enjoy the film as the acting on all ends was really great to watch. I'd honestly recommend this film to anybody because I think anybody who sees this movie would be intrigued by it. I really think Gordon-Levitt could carry out many more successful films down the road from the great job he did with this film. This film is one to definitely a great one to watch as I truly think it is one of the better films I have watched in recent.
Rating - 4/5
Rating - 4/5
Thor: The Dark World - Review
Instead of calling this sequel, "Thor: The Dark World", I believe maybe "Thor: Back Again" would have been the right title for this film. This film felt like it was very much similar to the first film of the series. I also think the length of this film could have been shortened and at one point I thought I was going to doze off as it kept going onward the film. The movie is not bad or really that good, the story takes many twists and turns in which I didn't like. However, the characters including Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) allowed this negative part to brush off with their motives. I also enjoyed the performance of Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and I thought her chemistry with Thor (Hemsworth) was very enjoyable. Also, the visual effects of any Marvel film is absolutely stunning, especially in this film. This is one to see only if your in spare of seeing a film, if you ask me.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Free Birds - Review
Finally, one semi-decent animated film has come our way in "Free Birds", the film revolving around a duo of turkeys trying to cancel the tradition of eating turkey on Thanksgiving back in 1621. The story's tale is very original, which I appreciated and I enjoyed the characters presented in the film who made you laugh quite a bit. I also thought the animation was done very well and has the potential to be nominated for Best Animated Feature. Though, the movie took some twists and turns where you were questioning what was going on in parts of the film towards the end. I do think this film is a great family feature and will satisfy the family if seen.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Ender's Game - Review
This is one film that you walk away with a mixture of feelings towards it. I did think the story was interesting to follow along with, but I just felt the entire film built up and rose to nothing special or of importance. As this film progressed, it did get to be tiring because it was almost two hours of just escalating events to a final scene which didn't phase me at all. The film's length was absolutely way too long and I didn't enjoy many of the characters except for the main character, Ender played by Asa Butterfield. I think Butterfield has lots of potential down the road as the young actor he is becoming. The others including Harrison Ford and Viola Davis were just not unique enough to enjoy watching in this film. I am a fan of both Ford and Davis, but films like this are not meant for them.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Last Vegas - Review
When you combine Michael Douglas, Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Kline in a film together, the film can go over really well or really bad. This film neared mainly towards really well for it's tendency to have great comedic lines the majority of the film. The film's plot/storyline is not really original as the plot is portrayed in so many different films of a group of men going to celebrate pre-wedding extravaganzas. This film also had many predictable outcomes as soon as you saw many of the characters introduced with one another as well. However, the thing that shocked me was a bottle of liquor played an important role amongst the main characters as well. With this film, it was just great to see a core of starred actors come together and crack you up in many parts of the film. I do recommend this film as it was pretty good if you ask me.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa - Review
Considering this is part of the famed "Jackass" film series, you can only know what you are in for. This film varies much from the other Jackass films, and for once it is not as disturbing to watch the entire film which is great. The main character, Irving Zisman, a grandfather who is traveling with his grandson to get him to his father the entire film, was absolutely hysterical. With every action or comment he made, I think I cracked up for the most part. His grandson, Billy, also was hysterical to watch, for someone who portrayed an 8 year old kid with a mind, for sure. The tale was a great one and Johnny Knoxville did a great job portraying a gentleman, double his senior. I really enjoyed this film a lot and I didn't find many flaws about it either so go out and see it!
Rating - 4/5
Rating - 4/5
Monday, October 21, 2013
Runner Runner - Review
I must say I really did like this film a lot and I had lots of anticipation for it because two entertainers I enjoy watching were in it in Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck. I think this movie had a great concept and it reminded me ironically of "The Social Network" a little bit. The length was done very well and it really did build up through its entirety. The acting by Timberlake and Affleck was really great and the two made a good combination together which should be used in future films down the road. Though, this film had some parts that jumped around where you were trying to figure out what the heck was going on in those parts of the film, it was still enjoyable to watch. This is another film I do recommend as well.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
Captain Phillips - Review
As Oscar season is on it's way, quite a few films like "Captain Phillips" await us. This film is all based on a true story and it is truly remarkable to watch as the intensity and suspense is really incredible throughout this film. The acting on all parts especially by Tom Hanks is truly amazing and I believe Hanks could be nominated for an Academy Award for his performance. Also, I believe the Main Pirate could also be nominated as well. The film also had a great screenplay which could be nominated as well, not to mention also for Best Picture as well. This film was one of the best films this year though I thought some parts were hard to comprehend when the timing and sequences were hard to follow along with. I also thought the film failed to describe the rescue operations thoroughly and how they worked as it appeared help magically helped the captain at ease. I am pretty sure during the real capturing there was a lot more intensity going on and only some of it was portrayed in the film. I also thought the length of the film was a bit long and could've been shortened a bit. Other than that, this film was truly great and I do recommend you all go see it.
Rating - 4/5
Rating - 4/5
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 - Review
This film can just tag along with the rest of the disappointing animated films that have been released in 2013. The list is becoming staggering. This movie basically has not plot or story line. I even was bored with the characters in the film because they just seemed so boring. However, the animation was very unique and I thought the animation was done very well. Other than that, don't waste your time with this film.
Rating - 1.5/5
Rating - 1.5/5
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Rush - Review
This film's previews has had me very excited to go out and check out this true story picture. The story is truly remarkable between James Hunt and Niki Lauda and the many obstacles they both overcome. Let's just say race car driving is just as difficult as rocket science and is one risky sport. Both, Hunt and Lauda find out who they are and are capable of doing and the acting for both characters really stood out. The direction of the film and showing the main points of both careers was really splendid. I was so impressed with Lauda's character and the one incident he overcomes in the film is truly remarkable and is so breath taking. I think Lauda can be considered a hero for many for what he does in the film. I also like how this biography film not only showed the acts participated, but brought you close to each character and you felt like you knew them from the film. Ron Howard should definitely work on more pictures like this one. The only thing that bothered me in this film was that there was some very disturbing images that I didn't like seeing. For this movie, you kind of have to expect it, but it was tad difficult to cope with. All in all, I really did enjoy this movie and it really did have a good progression with a fair length. This is one to go see.
Rating - 4/5
Rating - 4/5
Monday, September 23, 2013
Insidious 2 - Review
I think horror and suspense films are really coming to a point where they can actually surprise you and make you jump out of your seat which is great in the film industry. This film revolves around a woman who is after a certain family and has had a devious past and might I say the story is very interesting. There are so many points that you are not expecting to jump out of your seat which is great, in which this film does. However, the film did have you confused of what was going on and how each character was intertwining with this mysterious woman. All in all, this was a pretty good film and I hope to watch the original film after walking away intrigued by this one.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Friday, September 20, 2013
The Prisoners - Review
This has been one film that has been creating hype and "The Prisoners" can be considered one of the top films of the year rightly so. The moment the film starts, the story rolls out and it grabs your attention so quickly. The attention grabs only led to so many different moments of suspense which was great. The story and its' originality was truly amazing and done so well. This can be one of the best thriller films done in a long time as the acting on all ends including Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhall were outstanding. Also, the characters who were in question were so different and creepy which made the movie so intriguing as well. I couldn't believe the great amount of acting each character shared in this film. I also enjoyed how there were so many plot twists and sudden movements in the film which also allowed the film to even be more enjoyable and raise your eyebrow while only saying "Wow." I couldn't find a single flaw in this film as it was very well-done and could be on my top 10 film list at the end of the year. This is one movie you cannot miss out on.
Rating - 4.5/5
Rating - 4.5/5
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Family - Review
This was one film I had been awaiting to see since I saw the first trailer for it months ago. The story itself was very interesting and original as I loved the concept, but I did not enjoy how it turned out. The entire film you are just seeing how a family under witness protection is currently living and showing the characteristics of each character of the "Blake" family. Don't get me wrong, the acting from especially Robert DeNiro and Michelle Pfeiffer was great and I really did enjoy their performances. How can you wrong with DeNiro? The movie was more like a biography of these characters and the ending you have to wait so long to come full circle to. The film itself was cool to see how powerful each character was and what a interesting family they were, but if it weren't for that, the movie would have totally flopped downward if you ask me. I do recommend this movie, but I do not think it will meet your expectations from what you have seen in the trailer.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Monday, September 9, 2013
Riddick - Review
The movie starts and rolls and it didn't interest me or allow me to go along with the film. There is literally no plot or sequence, it is just rampaging these violent creatures and that is your movie. The acting on all ends was not good at all and didn't phase me at all. I think tequila wouldn't have even let me enjoy this movie if added. I also thought the length of this film was way too long and at one point I was ready to doze off. The only aspect of this film I can say was semi-enjoyable were the cool visual effects and makeup and that's being nice to the "Riddick" film. Don't even waste your time with this movie.
Rating - 1/5
Sunday, September 8, 2013
New York Giants Rant
After tonight's New York Giants' loss, I am very nervous for the next few weeks to come in the season after tonight's tough loss. I am very concerned about their efficiency to run the ball down the field. The key to scoring points on the board is running the ball then following through with a pass. If your going to rely on just an all-out passing game, Eli Manning must be in tune with all his wideouts the entire game and not just shining in the second half of the game. Not to mention, there cannot be foolish errors running into so many turnovers. Like seriously 5 tonight, that was insane. However, I am very confident with the duo of Eli Manning and Victor Cruz though after tonight's three touchdown receptions on both ends. The rushing game really worries me about having the youngster, David Wilson at the hands with those two fumbles. The running game is imperative in football. Maybe for Andre Brown's injury time, they can find an available veteran to fill the shoes. I do think Wilson has lots of potential, but it will take time to show it.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The Way Way Back - Review
This film revolving around a dating couple with kids from other spouses' and the many hardships they all face including one the teenaged son's friend faces during the movie wound up being a great one to watch with the right charismatics and actors for this film. The entire story was interesting and the ways it relates to many outcomes of modern day families which I appreciated. With the many films out there, it is very hard to relate to the struggling middle class family with many obstacles to overcome. I was also impressed by the concept of a young teenager helping out a struggling adult and vise versa in this film. I also enjoyed how the young teenager advances from being less socially awkward and timid from the beginning of the film. The acting in this film by all the actors was truly great. The one thing I didn't enjoy was how Steve Carrell's character was caught in a certain act (not spoiling anymore) yet it didn't focus much on it at all. I also didn't like how the movie just dove into the dysfunctions of this family. Other than that, I can highly recommend this film as I really did enjoy it.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
Sunday, September 1, 2013
One Direction - This Is Us - Review
If you have seen the Jonas Brothers, Katy Perry, or even Justin Bieber concert/documentary films, you can tell what this movie is going to be just revolving around the starred One Direction band. The movie goes into their personal lives mainly as they show what each band member has done or is currently doing while they are in their home town. I did enjoy seeing this as they give you a glimpse into their personal lives. However, I didn't enjoy how some of the members especially Zayn and Liam appeared to be very arrogant and the most unappreciative of their fan base. Liam even said how he appreciates his time off basically not to be bothered. I respect this but just remember who made you the person you are today. However, Liam brought up an interesting point of not being able to comprehend who true friends could be after living this lifestyle. I also didn't enjoy how one of them stated that they don't plan on doing this for the rest of their lives, I would hope considering you are in the prime music industry, you would continue on your career in music with or without the fellow band members. That is just my opinion though. During the film, they also showed how the band gained popularity and formed from The X Factor television show, it was impressive to see how they became so successful across the world. But when your working with a prime name in Simon Cowell, how can you not expect to advance successfully? Look at Il Volo. I felt they only spent their time showing the background of their lives and not focusing on much music. I think they only played 5 songs the entire movie, the music I thought was a newer Beatles sound version which I liked. I also enjoyed how the members also picked up instruments as Niall appeared to play guitar a lot which I appreciate. I didn't enjoy how they deliberately tried to use special effects to pretend their throwing letters and animations at you from the screen. I didn't even see it in 3D and I was feeling dazed out. If you want to just listen to the bands' music, just listen on YouTube.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Mortal Instruments - Review
Mortal Instruments -- you can only configure what this movie could be from the title. The movie has no plot or flow at all and just goes along a tale of an abduction and capturing the person and her amenities. It was such an unusual film and it steered in so many directions to a point you are trying to figure out what is going on. The length of the film was WAY to long and it was like watching a non stop running boring Saturday soap opera. The only thing I enjoyed about this film was the performance of Lily Collins as I truly believe she can wind up being a talented actress down the road. She reminds me of a young Jodi Foster. I don't recommend this film at all as I was bored out of misery watching it.
Rating - 1.5/5
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Butler - Review
With a staggering number of stars in this film, you have no idea if your in for a good or bad film based on previous films in the past with a large number of famed actors. This film had the absolute best cast put together and each actor did a superb job in this film. The intensity of the acting especially from Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker, the main stars was incredible, their performances could be in Oscar considerations, it's never to early to start thinking about that. The story itself was based on a true story of a famed butler of the White House for 34 years and was just a remarkable tale. It was one that shows true courage in overcoming adversity and dealing with many hardships in life. I can honestly say this story was great and is one of the best films I have seen all year. It can also be nominated for Best Picture as well. I even teared up during some of the movie as it really is a touching and moving film. I didn't have one negative thing to say about this movie. "The Butler" is one must-see film and it is a nice ride through US History and seeing the portrayals of many different Presidents as well. For the first time this year, a film has received a five out of five recognition from me. Congrats to Lee Daniels and his production, Cheers!
Rating - 5/5
Rating - 5/5
Sunday, August 11, 2013
CHICAGO: The Musical (Broadway Show featuring Wendy Williams) - Review
Last night, I sat front row for the second-longest running show currently operating on Broadway in the musical, Chicago. I had high expectations for this show considering the Oscar winning film rendition is one I truly love a lot. The story itself is one that I enjoy very much and its concepts are very unique. I also enjoyed seeing the great choreography and music produced in this show. Not to mention, the cast all around was a great ensemble, I couldn't think of a better cast. I also enjoyed how the entire Chicago cast intertwined and connected with the orchestra cast the entire show. However, I did have a few things I did not enjoy about the Broadway rendition of the show. The stage had one layered segment in which the orchestra played on and the characters bounced around on and off of periodically throughout the show. It made the show hard to look at the entire show considering nothing in the setting really changed. Aside from, that hardly any props were used in the show. Not to mention, you had no idea what time period you were in or any setting of where the show was taking place at any moment of the show. I think it is essential for a show to use all these tools to describe the tale of the story and make the show more lively. Aside from this the one part of the show that bothers me is the man who Roxie Hart kills in the show named Fred Kaisley participates in the ensemble the entire show. If he is dead why does he keep appearing in the show? Some death, right? The one thing about the ensemble that bothered me as well that is all on the production team is that when the ensemble changed into a team of paparazzi members photographing Roxie Hart or other characters, they stayed in their typical bar costume outfits. I think the outfits should be changed for each setting. The entire show, each actress and actor wore the same outfit. Change couldn't hurt. From these fundamentals, it shocks me how the show can run so long like this. I also was not a fan of the actor who played Billy Flynn, the famed hot-shot lawyers of the show. This character is supposed to have a semi appeal to all audiences and be the one individual everyone draws to. The actor who played Flynn did not bring the audience into the show or have any significant appeal to the cast surrounding him. I also thought his acting was bare minimal to watch and he did not define the Flynn we all know from other works of Chicago. This role is not for this actor. I will also discuss the performance of Wendy Williams who played Mama Morton in the show. Wendy definitely knew how to connect the audience and fellow cast members into her performance, she drew both together very well. When she made her opening appearance, she threw a "How You Doin" in her opening skit which was very unique especially appealed to the fans of Williams including myself. However, I can tell she worked very hard at ensuring the lines did not sound like she just read them from the script and made it her own. She could have used a little more aggressiveness that Mama Morton usually shows. Wendy's singing was pretty good for the most part, but could have used a little work on some ends. All in all this was a nice relaxing show to watch mainly just for the great choreography and music. Go see it, you have time!
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - Review
Going into this film, I had no idea to expect not really remembering the original Percy Jackson film which was released over 3 years ago. I go in and the movie takes off right from the start, though it appeared to have no basic plot and just diving into may series of actions by Percy and his friends against another group of individuals. If there was a story, I missed out on it. I also didn't enjoy the acting amongst the characters, I thought it was very subpar and was just read out loud with no emphasis. The only thing that really impressed me about this film were the amazing visual effects and cinematography. I was really wowed by this the entire film. A shocker, this film I did see this film in 3D and might I say this film was impressive in 3D and the effects and everything really did come out at you. This I have not seen in a 3D film in a long time in the many films I have seen this year, it was a nice surprise. I do recommend this film for the family or just to see something for the heck of it, I think you will walk away with a surprisingly nice reaction.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Planes - Review
The originality of any animated film dealing with electronics is on a steep decline. This film goes just in with that concept and is no different from a Cars or even Turbo concept. The motto taught in all these films is the same thing and is getting very tiring. This film though was semi-enjoyable though it didn't really draw me into the film as much as I had hoped to. The character interactions I did enjoy though as I thought they all connected very well and there were a few surprise relationships that do connect together which I enjoyed seeing. Also, the 3D made no difference in this film, it's disappointing at this point it's like your putting glasses on for the heck of it. I really do not have much to say more than what I have said, this film is your Netflix rental I would say. If your really bored and have nothing to do with the family, then I suppose go see it in theaters otherwise it's worth the wait.
Rating - 2/5
Rating - 2/5
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
We're the Millers - Review
This movie at first I had no idea what I was really going into just I was looking forward to seeing the duo of Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Aniston. The story was very well done and was quite original from previous comedies in the past. It was like watching "The Hangover: Part 3" in a way, but with different scenarios. Sudeikis and Aniston had such a strong chemistry the entire movie and are a great dynamic duo for this film. Both performances were outstanding and had me cracking up the entire time. They both filled the roles so well. I also enjoyed how there was a constant hilarious remarks and lines the entire movie that I was dying of laughter from. This could be the best comedy of the year so far. There was not much I disliked about this film except the reality of some things that occur in the movie. Those "things" you can look for in the film because I do not want to give away any surprises. Go see this film as I strongly recommend it and it is one of my top of the summer movies.
Rating - 4/5
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Smurfs 2 - Review
This film was just one of those below average family films that have come out this summer. The Smurf characters are very hysterical and the presence of Neil Patrick Harris and his sense of humor is a weird, yet enjoyable mix. I will give the studio props on one thing, the animation to real life conversion effects are kind of cool, I guess. Smurf Village is also cool to look at. Otherwise, the story is very stupid and you are pretty much in a state of mind of saying to yourself, what in Sam's heck is going on right now? It was like watching the worst edition of a Marx Brothers film. The antagonist, Gargamel shows no way of trying to be the bad guy in this film. He has no way of trying to show that he is the bad guy in this film. Also, Gargamel's stupidity is something that bothered me the entire film. So basically, if your really bored or have absolutely nothing to do watch this film, I guess? Maybe, just watch re-runs of Tom and Jerry instead?
Rating - 2/5
Blue Jasmine - Review
The other night I saw "Blue Jasmine," a film done none other than the legendary director, Woody Allen. Not to mention, I was highly excited to see it because my favorite actor Alec Baldwin was in it. However, the story is very interesting, yet hard to relate to as it revolves around a psychotic woman and her sister with their struggles. The story at times is very hard to follow between the many relationships going on and the instant changes of the setting making you clueless throughout the film. The acting though was superb on all counts with the use of highly under-rated actors. Cate Blanchett steals the show in her performance and it was absolutely remarkable for this role. Her performance could definitely land an Academy Award nomination, heck it's never to early to consider. We have to see the competition down the road, but she could possibly win one with this acting in this film. I was totally wowed by her role as she went beyond what the script says. I definitely recommend going to see this film and the story and acting will really blow you away.
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Saturday, July 27, 2013
What Lies Ahead
I hope to have a few more film reviews up for you guys within the next few days....depends on the timing I have and what is around to see currently in theaters.
I am considering doing reviews on older films as film.
Recommend some in that comment section below and maybe I'll review it just for you.
I am considering doing reviews on older films as film.
Recommend some in that comment section below and maybe I'll review it just for you.
Jeter's Returning Tomorrow
Great news after a tough loss against the Rays from New York Yankees skipper, Joe Girardi that Derek Jeter has been cleared to play in tomorrow's matinee against the Tampa Bay Rays.
This worries me in a way for Jeter to come back so sudden and I am shocked no further rehab was needed for him. I suppose the personnel can only be careful with Jeter playing tomorrow and hope for the best. Jeter is not only the captain or "Mr. November," he is a trooper who wants to get back out there and help the team. The Yanks could use his bat in the lineup ASAP considering Ivan Nova's heroic performance in today's loss due to the lack of run support. Cheers Derek see you out there!!
The trading deadline is up and around in a few days. Let's see what happens!
Alfonso Soriano Returning to Pinstripes!!!
Yesterday morning, I checked out Twitter on my phone to very exciting news that Alfonso Soriano was traded back to the Yankees.
It really makes me wonder what is going to happen with Alex Rodriguez being under this controversial period of time. He's a mess if you ask me.
It really makes me wonder what is going to happen with Alex Rodriguez being under this controversial period of time. He's a mess if you ask me.
Wolverine - Review
Last night, I went into "Wolverine" not knowing what to expect considering I saw the previews only a few times. This film has a very bizarre story line but it is unique in a way to follow along with. During this film you were asking many questions to yourself during it about the characters and their relationships which I thought was annoying in a way. The movie's setting takes place in Japan and their were times where Japanese was being spoken and the subtitles were not shown which I disliked. Also, I saw this movie in 3-D and it made no difference what so ever as I watching the movie I questioned to myself "why do I have these glasses on?" Hugh Jackman's performance as Wolverine was mediocre in my view and I think his time as this role is coming to a close. Heck, he hasn't played this role in nearly 10 years. The action scenes and the actions of Wolverine were very cool to watch during the movie. I really appreciated how Wolverine's character always succeeded and never failed to give up in any circumstance. The length of this film was just about a right finish I thought as well. I definitely do recommend this film as it is one of the better ones that have come out this summer. Save your few extra bucks and watch it in a 2-D format.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Mike Tyson's Undisputed Truth - Review
When you hear the name Mike Tyson these days, you think of the bite incident with Evander Holyfield, boxing greatness, Broadway, and movies. Here in the "Undisputed Truth", Mike Tyson brings his entire life and these aspects of his life in full circle in his one man show which played at the Imperium Theater last week in NYC while filming the show for a HBO special. The show had a very good, cut length of a little under two hours but during the show I had trouble understanding and hearing what Mike was saying do to the lowness of the volume in the theater required to film the special. That was upsetting for me because I wanted to hear everything Mike said. The introduction of a mixture of music and his entrance to the show was very cool. He started off talking about his childhood being involved in lots of crime and moving around a lot. It was remarkable to see lots of images of him growing up and into his boxing career on the back screen. I found it so amazing at how he overcame many things as a youngster to become the successful fighter he became. It was also interesting to see how he shared his personal feelings and regrets that he had amongst his family members with no sweat. He got emotional at times, but broke through and stuck out the show with ease. Mike also had you cracking up hysterically the entire show because he found a way to break his negatives with laughs which is very hard to do. The show goes on and on about his career and his stand/views on what he accomplished and was interesting to see the one great fighter tell it all. This is a show to watch to show to many different audiences who will definitely appreciate Tyson's show. Keep an eye out for it on HBO!
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
![]() |
Here I am with "Iron" Mike Tyson. |
Jonas Brothers Concert at Jones Beach - Review
The other night at Jones Beach, the weather held up and I saw my good pals, The Jonas Brothers in concert. The show was pretty good in general, but I think the set could have had a few more addition of songs, the show appeared to be very quick. Nick, Kevin, and Joe all seemed very in tuned with their fans and connected as much as possible with the audience. It was enjoyable to see them do a rendition of Frank Ocean's "Thinking About You" to introduce their similar new work. The old songs are the old songs and are good tunes. The new music is more intense and goes very in detail about real life situations and personal awareness. The new music is one of the best things I have heard in a long time, the sound and lyrics are very modern day. For a band, who was known for writing about being drawn to girls and writing about ordinary situations, their music has really transformed. It was also great to see the lead singer, Joe Jonas play on the piano and guitar. There are absolutely no flaws with their new material and the amount of time they spent on this work was well worth it. Their new song "What Do I Mean To You" is no pop song, it is a modern alternative rock song. I cant wait to hear more like this on their upcoming album, "V - Five." It was so cool to see Nick Jonas' introduction for the opening song of "First Time." With Nick, I am very interested to see what he does down the road because from the introduction to their opener, you'd think he was Slash or Joe Perry or opening up on guitar. Heck he even seemed like Springsteen opening up. Cheers Nick! This was a very enjoyable show to watch and I am shocked how much this band has changed their music and did such a successful job at doing so. Go see them on tour as soon as you can! These guys put on some show, their new material will blow you away.
Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas |
Joe and Kevin Jonas performing. |
Nick Jonas performing. Here I am with all 3 Jonas Brothers. |
Turbo - Review
Finally, this summer I found an animated film I actually really "Turbo." The film revolves around an ordinary plot of a hopeful snail who has every desire to be competing against race cars. One day, this power is granted to him and he goes on about it. Turbo, the main character was an intriguing character to watch which was enjoyable by showing so much desire to stride to be what he wants, not what others told him to be. This was very admirable. The film was a good length of an hour and half with some good punch lines throughout the film. I don't have many complaints or negative things to say about this film, it wasn't great or bad, it was just good. The antagonist of the film is a huge plot twist which is interesting. The film I also think was directed to demonstrate lessons for both children and adults about the real life as well. Don't bother with Despicable Me 2, go see Turbo!
Rating - 3/5
Rating - 3/5
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Grown Ups 2 - Review
I had so many high expectations going into this film considering it had such a STAR-STUDDED cast with a history of great work in hilarious comedies. The only humor of the film was shown in the previous trailers for the film. The movie consisted of many farting, pooping, peeing, burping, and sneezing jokes which made the film highly sickening to watch and refrained me from laughing the slightest bit. The lines that were supposed to be comedic didn't have me laugh and I thought they made this sequel a lot worse than the first film. None of the stars in the film made me laugh and I thought they totally humiliated themselves for taking part and/or putting their name on this film. The only stars I didn't mind in this film who were semi-watchable in this movie were Selma Hayek, David Spade, and Alexander Ludwig. The rest of the cast made you want to leave the theater with their poor acting in this film. I do not recommend this movie at all what so ever, if you brave yourself into watching it, bring a few bottles of vodka and some orange juice with you. I hope actors like Adam Sandler or Kevin James can redeem their horrible performances in this film in their future works. At this point of Sandler's career, I wonder what an actual Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison sequel would look like. Between the Grown Ups series and Jack & Jill, these films aren't fulfilling the Sandler we all love and enjoy watching.
Rating - 1.5/5
Rating - 1.5/5
Adam Sandler and I |
Alexander Ludwig and I |
Kevin James and I |
Orphans (Broadway Revival) - Review
This was one show I was dying to see considering my favorite actor, Alec Baldwin was in the Broadway revival. The story originally drawn out by Lyle Kessler is a heart warming and excellent piece of work that was really enjoyable to watch. The play was absolutely great because of it being a drama with many comedic lines thrown out in the play mainly by Baldwin’s character, Harold. Alec’s character had many great lines, however I thought he failed to deliver in a performance playing a Chicago mobster, his performance was not very convincing to say the least. On the other hand, the performances of Ben Foster (Treat) and Tom Sturridge (Philip) were absolutely remarkable and convincing. Foster in my opinion was snubbed from a Tony nominee. Foster delivered such a powerful use of anger in his acting which was very interesting to see as he was able to play a father figure to Philip in the show who struggles with a disability. Sturridge does a brilliant job of playing a young man with a disability and convinces you that he is disabled. His performance was the one that stole the show and could very well win a Tony for Best Supporting Actor. I left the show in such amazement of his performance. Sturridge who carries a British accent was able to cover it up so well, it was perfection. The one thing that bothered me was I thought the character’s all did not have much directed stage movement which I direct the problem at director, Dan Sullivan for. I thought the actor’s were deers in the headlights with the movements they made during the show. I also saw this poor movement in Sullivan’s directed show “Glengarry Glen Ross.” I think Sullivan has to work on this for future works. The other thing that bothered me was the lack of props used and the setting stayed the same the entire show with little changes made at intermission. I think in order to keep a show going on for an hour and fifty minutes in “Orphans” case, change is needed in the setting to keep an audience more enriched to what’s going on. Seeing actors perform with a same background can get very tiring.
Catch Up
Hope everyone is enjoying their week.
Tonight, I will be going to see "Grown Ups 2" and I shall have a review up tonight.
On a side note, I met Adam Sandler and Kevin James last night, the stars of that film.
Mainly, the MLB All-Star Game is coming up and Yankees star, David Robertson needs your help to get in to the game.
Vote him in the final voting circle!!!!
Tonight, I will be going to see "Grown Ups 2" and I shall have a review up tonight.
On a side note, I met Adam Sandler and Kevin James last night, the stars of that film.
Mainly, the MLB All-Star Game is coming up and Yankees star, David Robertson needs your help to get in to the game.
Vote him in the final voting circle!!!!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
White House Down - Review
Let me be completely honest, the title is what the movie is about, no surprises. However, not only is the White House about to go into many tears, the President (Jamie Foxx) and Cale (Channing Tatum) daughter would be under a situation of being threatened as well. The story is very hard to relate to and is impressive to watch. I was really wowed by this movie’s originality, acting by Tatum and Foxx, and the heavy use of action. This movie was a bit length as well, but every second had you drawn to the screen from the very beginning. I cannot say many bad things about this film. This is the movie to bring the few buddies to see this weekend. If I had the time to, maybe I’d see this film again. However, there are two plot twists in this film which are very shocking and the one at the end is really the big shocker. Not going to say anymore, but go see this film. It was a really fun one to watch, just use the bathroom before going into this two and half hour extravaganza.
Rating - 3.5/5
Here I am with Channing Tatum. |
Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain - Review
Going in to this film, I was not really sure what to expect, but i was going to let the film ride out and see what it brings. I will first add I am a huge fan of Kevin Hart and I was highly anticipating on watching this film. The beginning they show Hart and his friends at a party and how he is determined to play Madison Square Garden in front of 30,000 people. Hart has no reason not to play there, he’ll crack all 30,000 up in a heartbeat. Then, they show how he has become such an heroic icon throughout the world through his comedic acts. They then proceed to his show at MSG which had me cracking up about 90 percent of the set. He kept going on and on and on with his great sense of humor. The only thing that bothered me was you never knew when he was finished with a segment of jokes and he kept rambling on with different jokes. Also, I felt he was only relating the jokes to his life and not with general concepts of the world. I think his sense of humor in the film could only relate to a man who has had problems with his wife or struggles raising kids. They also showed at the end his reaction after performing the Garden and exploring his personal life. The one thing I did not enjoy was the tons of cockiness he demonstrated throughout this part of the film. Cockiness is something I am not a fan of and made me dislike the film a tad. If they cut the film after his set at the Garden, I might have had a better result of the film. All in all, it was a great humored film and I’d recommend it highly. If you can’t afford a live comedy show, this is the best to get your hands on.
Rating - 3.5/5
Rating - 3.5/5
The Heat - Review
First off from seeing the trailer I believe 1.1 million times in theater, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what the film will probably be like from those trailers. Surprisingly, I found myself a tad wrong and was in for a different ride during the film. The plot and story was very much just a “good cop, bad cop” story, nothing special. But it was original, might i add. However, Melissa McCarthy absolutely stole the show with her astonishing actions and humorous acts during the film. She is one actress I love, love, love watching. She is a character. Between this and “Identity Thief” which sucked, she has become the white female version of Madea in these few films. I LOVE IT. I am a big Madea fan, oh heller. However, Sandra Bullock is quite a good looking cougar, but her performance in this film was very boring to watch. She appeared to be very much a typical ordinary cop who had tactics to be a good cop, but was very annoying and dragged out her dialog and actions to slowly. I was impressed with the plot twist at the end of this film. I won’t discuss anymore. If this film, didn’t have Melissa McCarthy in it, it probably would have gotten a much lower grade in my book. Also, the film’s length of roughly two hours, i thought was a little to much and needed to be cut by about 15 minutes.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Melissa McCarthy and I |
Despicable Me 2 - Review
So the first Despicable Me, I absolutely loved and enjoyed. It was one I could watch over and over again. However, Despicable Me 2, I don’t think can follow in the footsteps. The plot/storyline could have used some work, but it was well enough to follow through with for this film. The antagonist or villain of the film had no motive to follow through in his procedures to beat the protagonist. If I saw the antagonist in a bar, I would not be afraid of him at all, let’s put it that way. His motives showed low ability to carry through on them the entire film. The only thing that made this sequel enjoyable to watch were the Minions who are downright hysterical to watch by their actions and dialogs amongst each character. They are truly a pleasure to watch aside from Gru of course. This film could have been so much better, but between this and “Monsters University”, animated sequels this summer have sucked.
If you haven’t seen the original “Despicable Me,” watch that one and can the idea of watching the sequel.
Rating - 2.5/5
The Lone Ranger - Review
Going in to this film, I was not expecting the most out of it considering the average previews released for it. I’ll start off that Johnny Depp absolutely stole the show in this film and did such a great job of playing Tanto. His superb acting and character really makes the stupid plot semi enjoyable. The plot is pretty basic which bothered me a tad, a typical wife and kid are in trouble and they need to be rescued. Imagine this going on for two and half hours, yeah…..hand over that bottle of tequila to me. Heck make it two bottles. The length of the movie really was way to long. Reminded me of “D’Jango Unchained” going on and on. Armie Hammer who played the Lone Ranger was not a good fit for this role, he appeared to be very skittish and doofy for the role. It was like throwing Andrew Garfield or Jesse Eisenberg into this role, no Social Network pun intended. His acting was poor and i thank god Johnny Depp stole the show from him, otherwise this movie could have felt like 6 hours with Hammer’s performance. The plus of this movie aside from Depp’s great performance, were the visual effects and action sequences. Both were truly great and a pleasure to watch.
Rating - 2.5/5
Rating - 2.5/5
Monsters University - Review
This was another summer film i had high hopes for, but it failed to meet them as I absolutely loved the original Monsters, Inc film from 2001. The plot/story was very ordinary and did not appeal to me in any way. The story was basically like the Internship just with monsters in it. I also didn’t like how at the beginning they didn’t try to revive or start it from the previous film to flash back to the younger years of Mike and Sully. Most of the characters added in this film were not interesting and didn’t have much charisma as the first film did. From, Cars 2 to this sequel, proves to me that Disney and Pixar highly lack in creativity for sequels of their decently done hit films. Save your money folks and bring the family to see Superman or Epic instead.
Rating - 2/5
Rating - 2/5
Man of Steel - Review
This was the film I have been anticipating to watch for a while since previews for it were released. Who couldn’t be excited to see the one and only Superman. The story line was a pretty good one to use and the challenges Superman’s character faced were interesting. Also, the chemistry amongst the characters were unique. The action and settings used were also cool. However, some of the fighting scenes were ones that went on for what seemed like hours. It makes me believe with most action films they are focusing on only making the fighting scenes long. Well if thats the case, the films should be put into soap operas instead. This is one to watch and the film draws you right in.
Rating 3/5
Rating 3/5
Kinky Boots (Broadway Musical) - Review
Let me start off with the fact I am not a big musical fan what so ever. However, Kinky Boots is probably the most talked about show of the season and won 6 Tony’s so I had to give the show a shot. Might I say that was one of the better decisions I made in my life. The sets, props, and costumes really stood out during the show and made it a pleasure to watch. The acting was absolutely superb as Billy Porter and Stark Sands stole the show. Porter plays a transgendered male who goes by the name of Lola and does a remarkable job in doing so. Sands plays a young business man name Charlie who carries a heavy British accent while pursuing to draw the crowd’s attention to him. The fellow cast did an excellent job and I couldn’t imagine one without this group of people. The music used through the entire show was primarily club or soft rock music which was really enjoyable to jam along to during the show. The music really followed along with the show very well. The show’s story line was also a unique, yet interesting one to go along with. It’s also great because the story is very hard to relate to and you constantly imagine and think what a crazy scenario is going on. This show is probably one of the best Broadway shows I have seen in a while and it is a MUST SEE. Go see it!
Rating - 5/5
Rating - 5/5
Me and Stark Sands |
Me and Billy Porter |
The Internship - Review
So if your expecting a few laughs, you put Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson together in a film. I believe thats a fair way of doing it and thats exactly what happens in the recent film, The Internship. The plot line was very predictable from the previews, but the few laughs allowed me to get over this. Some things in the movie really bothered me such as the irrelevant projects that allowed the groups to compete for jobs at Google. These irrelevant projects have nothing to do with Google what so ever. Also, the way how they presented the interns as “Nooglers” really irked me in a way. However, the movie is enjoyable to watch, but this is your typical Red Box rental movie. Wait to go see Man of Steel instead this weekend, maybe? Hopefully, that is a good one to watch, looks good.
Rating – 3/5
Rating – 3/5
Run-In's in NYC
Yesterday, I was on an adventurous stroll through New York City visiting the Upper East Side and Central Park which was really nice. I was roaming around Times Square, low and behold I run into Sofia Vergara who was promoting a wax figure at Maddam Tussaud’s and Neil Patrick Harris who was leaving Kinky Boots. Strange world how some stars may be right near you. This is why I love New York!
Sofia Vergara |
Neil Patrick Harris |
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